Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lazy Lazy Lazy STARDOLL!!!

Hello guys!!I just saw bad words up on stardoll!!!Turns out she was hacked!!!!Why is stardoll lazy? Cause stardoll didnt block those words!!The fu word and the bi word which is very very mean!!!Stardoll is very lazy!Would people stop saying bad words cause if its bad words, children may do it to!!There are children on stardoll!!3 year olds are sometimes there!And they can repeat what your typing and think that its good!!STARDOLL dosent care!!!Well it is fair to me, I got the back ground even if I'm not SS, I'm just saying that stardoll is lazy. Well if it keeps on, I will just make a message spreading to the stardoll non-ss and ss against bad launguage!TTYL